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My Story

Welcome! I'm Noelia, a passionate explorer of personal & spiritual development, healing & transformation. Originally from Argentina, I now find myself navigating life's wonders here in Australia.

In my journey of self-discovery and growth, I've had to shed layers of societal, cultural, and familial beliefs. It's been a process of unlearning, creating space for my authentic self, and tuning into my heart-centre to rise 

This journey has demanded practice, presence, and a great deal of courage. Yet, with each step, I continue to evolve with the intention of embracing all life's possibilities and living authentically in the present moment.

Along the way, I've completed transformative training, including Yoga Teacher training, Holistic Counselling, Psychological & Evolutionary Astrology combined with Flower Essence Therapy, and the profound Transference Healing® Practitioner & Teacher training

These tools have been instrumental in my experience, supporting me through life's natural & continuous changes.

I am deeply grateful to all the teachers, that is every person and situation that crossed with path, and I acknowledge the teacher residing within each one of us. 

Today, I'm honoured to hold a safe & sacred space for others — an invitation to connect, learn, and share with mutual respect and authenticity.
My heartfelt wish is for these tools that guided me to similarly serve you in your unique journey of transformation. 

I extend to you an invitation to embrace life holistically, approaching it with curiosity and openness to the unknown, with responsibility and trust.

Trust in your innate wisdom, for only you possess the knowledge to bring balance to your mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual realms.

Remember, as one heals, we all heal!

Stay Light x



Walking meditation. nature healing. grounding. transforming. changing. growing. evolving. Healing. holistic counselling.

My Approach

Welcome to My Sacred Space

Here, transformative modalities seamlessly intertwine, reflecting my personal commitment to integrating the body, breath, emotions, mind, and spirit into a harmonious whole.

Leave or take what resonates with you today.
You're the creator of your path and, in essence, your own healer.
My role is simple: to humbly share from my own experiences and create
a supportive space for your journey.

I firmly believe in your innate power to change your perception, discard what no longer serves you, elevate your consciousness, and orchestrate multiple transformations throughout your life.


Is this space for you?

If you resonate with the following:

  • A desire for self-awareness and heart-based consciousness.

  • Willingness to embrace responsibility for your choices.

  • Readiness to listen and trust your Inner Higher Self.

Then, consider this an invitation to join me in exploring tools for self-mastery, ascension, and transformation.

Holistic Counselling and Evolutionary Astrology

As a Holistic Counsellor, I offer client-centered sessions employing Evolutionary & Psychological Astrology—a powerful tool for self-awareness and growth. Your natal chart becomes a compass, guiding you toward a deeper understanding of self. This is the crucial first step towards fostering healthier connections with others. My goal is to empower you to tap into your inner wisdom, restoring balance to your life. This session is available for adults and kids. 

Please note, for accurate results, I require your exact time, place, and date of birth. Time is essential.

Transference Healing® — Alchemy for the Soul

As a Certified Practitioner and Teacher of Transference Healing®, I bring forth this alchemical and energetic modality pioneered by my teacher, Alexis Cartwright. If you allow the divine energy to flow through you, it will enhance your connection to your Inner Higher Self and Lightbody.
This etheric body focused modality is suitable for both remote and in-person sessions, 
with its effects reverberating for approximately three weeks post-session. Set your intention to receive what you need at this time, and the energy will support your integration process.
This session is available for adults and kids.


Yoga — A Journey Within

Yoga, an ancient practice, serves as a conduit for vitality and vibrancy in both body and mind. Through physical and breathing exercises, we create union and space within ourselves, initiating a journey of self-exploration. Under the guidance of my dear teacher, Nicky Knoff, I offer a sequenced practice based on the Knoff Yoga Discovery Series. A foundational step toward building the body-breath connection, calming the mind's fluctuations, and infusing presence into our days.
This session is available for adults, one-on-one, in person. 


Let's Connect

If any of these modalities resonate with you or if you're curious to learn more, don't hesitate to connect.

Together, let's embark on a journey towards lightness!

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